Facts about dreams

Rinoza jiffry
3 min readMay 4, 2021


Are you excited about my new topic? I’m sure your response is affirmative. I’m looking forward to discussing my latest topic with you. When you are sleeping, you all get dreams. Have you ever wondered where it comes from or why it’s coming? Join me on my journey to get a more superficial understanding.

Let’s take a look at what dreams entail. A dream is a series of images, thoughts, feelings, and impulses that occur unintentionally in mind during sleep. Every night, most people have many dreams that grow longer as sleep comes to a close. Researchers say that every individual will dream for five or six years in their whole lifetime.

One popular theory about the function of dreams says that they aid in the storage of valuable memories and lessons learned, the elimination of unwanted memories, and the sorting of complex thoughts and feelings. But according to some psychologists, dreams have no link to our actual feelings or thoughts. They’re all weird stories that have nothing to do with everyday life. So there are different opinions.

We all think ‘dream’ is just a word. But various kinds of dreams exist. Maybe you are wondered now, “OH! What do you say? A lot of kinds?” Let’s take a look at some of them.


Dreams that are frightening or unsettling are known as nightmares. Nightmares come because of stress, conflict, trauma, medications, illness and emotional problems. If you are getting the same nightmare again and again, take a bit of time to figure out what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you.

Lucid Dreams

It’s a kind of dream in which the dreamer realizes they’re dreaming. The dreamer may influence the dream characters, story, and atmosphere during a lucid dream. Do you notice that 55 per cent of people had at least one lucid dream in their lives, according to research?

Recurring dream

The dream occurs on a regular basis for an extended period of time. That dreams have situations like being attacked or chasing.

The fascinating aspect is that you can’t recall your dreams. Just search in your mind book. Do you remember any of your dreams? By the time you get out of bed, 95% of your dreams will have faded away. Dreaming can aid in the development of long-term memories.

The unbelievable fact is comparison to sighted people, blind people dream more of other sensory elements. There are differences between men dreaming and women dreaming. When we talk about the colour of a dream, most people claim to dream in colour. A small number claim to the only dream in black and white. Soft pastel colours are the most commonly chosen in the Experiment where dreamers have been awakened and asked to choose colours from a chart that fit those in their dreams.

There are lots of dreams, and they all fascinating. Enjoy your dreams as your life. Take pleasure in your positive dreams and drop the negative ones. Open the door to your happiness and enjoy your day. 😊



Rinoza jiffry

Associate Software Engineer | Junior Blockchain Developer